$1,001,600 disbursed directly to Alachua County residents

Our pilot year of disbursements finished in February 2023, and we learned a lot. Recipients shared how they used their unrestricted income to fulfill essential needs like housing, utilities, groceries, and reliable transportation. They've made forward-looking decisions by resolving legal fees, improving employment situations, pursuing entrepreneurship, tending to their physical and mental well-being, and building up savings. The income floor enabled recipients to not only support themselves and their families but also experience a sense of hope, forge connections within their communities, and dedicate quality time to their children.

2022 - 2023 Impact Report


Retail sales and services accounted for the largest share of spending (35.61%), followed by food and groceries (33.78%), and transport-related expenses (9.11%).

The Guaranteed Income Pilots Dashboard is designed to visualize data from pilots across the United States. This data and testimonies from participants shed light on ways in which unconditional cash is providing people the opportunity, freedom, and resilience to build financial security.

The data in this pie chart shows aggregate spending for Just Income recipients. This includes all non-cash expenditures from the participants' bank accounts, not just those that are from the guaranteed income they received.

The financial support extended through Just Income has led to an astounding

decrease in probation violations due to a lack of money

Meet some recipients



    “[Guaranteed income] helps me monetarily afford food and helps me to be able to move around, maneuver, submit resumes, so on and so forth. I don't have to worry about committing another crime just to support myself.”

  • Izzy


    “When you are a felon, it’s automatically like nobody wants to give you a chance. People are overlooked, but I've seen the most talented, creative people behind bars. I want people to know that this [guaranteed income] is giving a lot of people an opportunity to grow.”

  • Murray


    "I've been able to help out some of my relatives with money for gas and got a couple more other relatives who were low on food and I was able to help with that. I appreciate what's happened in my life and I want to give back and I want to share and give hope to other people.”